Wednesday, November 26, 2014


I'm not a very demonstrative person, which has its pros and cons, but I do try to live by this statement. To look for the good, to find the silver lining. I am always thankful for the big things in life: my family, friends, the good roof over my head, the conveniences that we are afforded due to effort & circumstance and the beauty of nature. But to get specific, at this moment I'm thankful for hot cocoa to warm cold snow-drenched babies, the snow holding out long enough for us to clear the garage of our "nice weather" projects so we can park in it, and the new windows that hold the heat so much better than the old. 
Being far away from my parents and siblings is hardest during my mother's favorite holiday.
Therefore, I am also thankful for the generosity of new friends who have invited us into their home for Thanksgiving dinner. Words fail me, as they so often do, but I'm very touched to be included with their family. Happy Thanksgiving.

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